Saturday, June 14, 2014

My body is done for the day (and week)

I'm supposed to do my physical therapy twice a day, everyday, at home. Tonight is the first time I've skipped my therapy. I probably shouldn't skip the massage and ice, but I'm also tired at this point. But they added new exercises and I'm sore. Skipping one at home therapy is not going to kill me. 

My legs are also exhausted because this week I taught a photography class at my church. It was a 5 day program mainly focusing on sports, and my class was the only group doing something non-athletic. So 15 hours (3 hours each day not including extra time on my leg for set up) walking around. Some time spent sitting in a classroom teaching the photo techniques, and some time at the end reviewing the kid's pictures with them so they can learn how to improve, but a lot of time was spent walking the grounds taking pictures of the other sports. 

I had a group of 14 girls. So of course we would stop and they wanted to take pictures of flowers or some cool rocks instead of the sports, but when it came to me walking around, I had to ditch the scooter (those don't work well on grass) and the single crutch (it slowed me down and I still had to hold a clipboard and my camera). So the girls understood I was slow. They kindly asked me why I limped. They asked me if it hurt to sit on the grass and get back up. They were curious. And I was always honest with them. There's no reason to lie to kids. I told them it was difficult but that I was ok and thanks for asking. That kind of thing. 

I was reviewing their pictures today.
Primary goal: apply the techniques to take pictures of the sports because *they* were forming the slideshow that would be seen in "big church". The slideshow wasn't just coming from my dad and I. 
Secondary goal: to use the techniques to take pictures of things that interest them (i.e. Rocks, flowers, their friends). And what I found made me smile. Each kid took quite a few pictures of me. I feel appreciated. I feel like even if the kids don't remember what I taught them and they want to retake my class next year, they had fun and they connected to me. Because sports camp is about more than teaching sports. It's about using sports to teach kids about God!

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