Monday, June 2, 2014

Since I have time to do this

My personal trainer encouraged me to keep a journey journal of getting healthy, getting strong, getting fit, etc.

This whole process started in march 2014. I went in to my mom's physical therapy facility because the new massage therapist was giving away free 10-minute massages. What? Free? Sign me up... So one day I get there and mom has been talking to the new personal trainer telling him that my back is weak and I need to strengthen to hold up the weight that I have and to lose weight. Which I agree. So I signed up for my free consultation the following week (March 11). But the morning of came and I didn't want to go. I felt like I had been kinda pushed into it instead of being able to process and make the decision myself. So I called and cancelled my appt and the trainer actually texted me asking if I was ok. (Mind you, a few years ago, I had major depression and anxiety, including social anxiety, so jumping into things are still very scary for me) The trainer was very nice and texted me in a very welcoming manner, so I rescheduled my free eval session for two weeks later (March 25), hoping I would be comfortable with it by then. And sure enough, I did indeed show up. Here it is almost 2 months after the day, and I barely remember what happened (lots have happened since, I'll be using my own Facebook posts as reference) but I do remember being slightly embarrassed and ashamed by my lack of strength.

But I scheduled to come back twice a week, starting on April 4. I was determined. No matter how long it takes. my goal is to lose 100 lbs. I know, I hate seeing that too. I hate knowing that I had allowed myself to get large enough to have enough leeway to loose 100 lbs. Even having my goal weight at 150 is being "overweight", but it would be the healthiest I've been my entire life. And I want to do this now while I'm young.

Starting weight: 250 lbs
Weight left to lose: 100

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