Wednesday, March 23, 2016
9:45 am
Berry/Spinach smoothie - blackberry, cherry, strawberry, spinach, almond milk
Cinnamon Apple bites - dice up an apple, put it in a mason jar, sprinkle some cinnamon inside, shake it up, and eat. really simple but pretty delicious and filling.
Feeling - average. excited about this new journey (as I'm choosing to label it)
Why - time to eat.
1:30 pm
sweet potato
1/2 chicken breast
feeling - hungry. good. (as in positive)
Why - I didn't want to eat before. my nutritionist had recommended that I eat every 3 hours or so, so I feel guilty whenever I choose not to eat in the recommended time.
6:00 pm
balsamic asparagus - ok lemme just stop right here and talk about this. I've NEVER liked balsamic anything. like I (used to) tolerate it on caprese things. but never to cook with it or put it on anything else. but the recipe in my "eat this much" just called to put the asparagus in a pan and drizzle balsamic over and let it cook on low for like 10 minutes. seriously SO good. so savory and salty together. I'm drooling as i type about it.
feeling - average. took a nap earlier, so feeling good energy-wise
Why - hungry. will be busy for a couple hours for Easter rehearsal
11:00 pm
sausage cooked up with seasoning
potato - just boiled
green beans, mushrooms sautéed together with olive oil and seasoning
feeling - like i need alone time, except i already spent the majority of the day alone.
why - practice was 7:00-10:15. so hungry.
Accomplishment of the day: Declined my first pizza invitation. during practice, the worship leader brought back pizza and I hung out for a few minutes, but quickly left.
My body is adjusting to increased fiber. only had 1 urgent BM after smoothie. Otherwise, still multiple but "normal" BMs.
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